Monday, September 1, 2014

Narrative Structure

After going through the data sheet, many different aspects involving the lapwing showed up. My main dilemma was which one of these aspects should be the base of the narrative structure? time being the most mundane base for a structure, just the way the data sheet came in. I was exploring all my other options such as: behavioral, landscape and relationships. Until we realized that the Pink Post-aids (as seen in image) is their default setting of behavior, they do not know why the do this, or even question this rhythm, but they come to the grasslands for this sole reason. Making it the base of my narrative structure, and every other thing like behavioral and landscape will fall into every slot in its own way. for example: under nesting, the behavioral will be, that both parents take turns to sit on nest, fake nesting to lure predators away. in landscape, their nest locations, and their relationship with their eggs, which is a very interesting fact i.e they produce eggs according to the surrounding, so the egg comes out looking exactly like the soil around the nest, making it hard to spot them.

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