Saturday, September 27, 2014

FeedBack Sonalee & Arpita

In terms of form.

- some kind of take away

- disseminating information, a part taken from the book.

- create impact through form

- something interactive (weather cards, temperature cards)
In terms of size

- small, efficient, engaging

- examine how people use things 

In terms of Narrative and Story board

- the perspective of the writing.
ex: Lapwings are incredibly adjusting to constant changes in the grassland due to the constant human interaction

Lapwings are being forced to adjust to constant changes in the grasslands due to constant human interaction

- tone of voice is shifting, its going from formal to informal.
in which case informal should have a extra bubble to explain the shift in voice.

-consistent approach

Questions such as; were asked:
If the lapwings get extinct then does it matter to us?
so what?
what is the point of knowing or learning all this information.

in return, i have to bring out the value of biodiversity and how it effects our life as humans.


- the soft pastel is working, charcoal working for lapwings and landscape.

- pick one persons visual style and follow it rather than exploring and trying.

- bring history of work in presentation. strting point to where i am right now

- sound solid (for seminar 2)

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